Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hunger Games-Sept 29

Are you hungry for some riviting reading? Are you hungry for adult
social interaction? Or just hungry for treats? Come to our Sept book
club meeting and satisfy your hunger!
We will be discussing "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. C'mon,
you know you've read it-so come chat it up with us! There will be
refreshments and probably some drawings for prizes too.
Lindsey Lewis is hosting and leading the discussion, so thanks to
Lindsey for her patience with me and her willingness to host!
Come join us!
Thursday, Sept 29th at 8:00 p.m
1882 N 1500 E
Provo, UT
Walk under the carport and around the back of the house to get to
Lindsey's door.
See ya there!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sept book club

Hey gals-sorry I have been SUPER flakey about book club this summer. I
will be out of town this week during our usual date and time and we
haven't scheduled anything yet, but hopefully I will let you know
soon. Thanks! Kelli